Resources for Innovators - A Supplier Expo and Pitch Event (Boston, MA)
Corning Life Sciences offers a comprehensive range of premium, innovative laboratory products and solutions for a wide spectrum of life science applications. Our trusted, quality brands, backed by technical expertise, provide researchers with better ways to advance their research in cell culture, bioprocessing, drug discovery, liquid handling, chemistry, microbiology, and genomics sample preparation.
Corning Life Sciences New Lab Startup:
Get 25% in Free Lab Supplies!
Get your new lab started with Corning cell culture products and we will give you free lab supplies equal to 25% of your total purchase.
Example: Spend $1,000 on products from any of Corning’s family of brands and get $250 in free products.
Cell Culture, Bioprocess, Media Sera,Glassware, Assay and Molecular Biology
Liquid Handling cellgro®
Redeem with your local Corning sales representative.
*Offer is valid for all new labs for their initial stocking order and up to 2 subsequent orders within 3 months of the original order. The free goods provided will be your choice of any Corning,® Costar,® cellgro,® PYREX,® Falcon,® Axygen® or Gosselin™ products. Qualifying products include most disposable lab products, tissue culture plastics, PYREX laboratory glassware, hot plates, pipettors and media. Free goods exclude HYPERStack® Cell Culture Vessel, HYPERFlask® Cell Culture Vessel, Closed System Solutions products, Epic® technology, Transwell® Permeable Supports, Multi-Flask™, IVF products, BioCoat™ products, cytokines and media additives. Free products may ship separately.